
Wow Classic World PVP

WoW classic World PVP   Since the opening of world PVP in WoW classic things have been interesting to say the least and also very aggravating especially if you are alliance on a PVP server. I play on Sulfuras which is one of the higher population PVP servers and we are just absolutely overrun by […]

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Top Gaming Chairs Around

Overview   Gaming chairs in the past few years have really started to blow up, and it feels like everyone and their mother is making a “racing game chair”. Over the past few years I have tried a few chairs and have made some random amazon chair purchases I know how different all the chairs […]

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Best Gaming Headset

Overview For everyone that plays any video game they know that having a pair of headphones is essential for any experience. In my opinion the headset is one of the most important set in your gaming experience and i think the headset is a good place to spend your money. If you’re in the market […]

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Top Keyboard Review

Best Gaming Keyboards Out Now   Overview Keyboards are an important thing for any gamer, and not only do they create a nice esthetic with a rainbow pattern or whatever color combination you want. But they can greatly affect the performance of your gaming experience with switches and other factors. Everyone has their preferences, I […]

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Music While You Game

Music While You Game   Music Playing Music while gaming sounds like a weird thing, the thought of drowning of the sound of the game you are playing with your own music seems almost counter productive. You would  think you want to hear the sound of the game while you are playing, but in certain […]

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