Star Wars Fallen Order…. Not yet :(

My Stories

Hey guys, I am supposed to be reviewing the new Star Wars game but i am unfortunately very poor. I wish i could purchase the game and give you some insight but it is not in the cards. I have heard some get reviews from fellow low key gamers about the game and i cannot wait. From what i’ve seen the graphics are absolutely great and it looks slightly remittent of force unleashed which was a great series. I have heard both sides of the consoles about playing it on PC with KBM (Keyboard & Mouse) and controller, and i’ve heard it works well both ways. I am planning to get this game closer to Christmas and do an extensive review about it since i’m in a huge Star Wars kick right now. With the release of Disney + i have been binge watching the old movies and of course the mandalorian. With the release of all this great content it makes me want to grind this game ever harder


Again i really am sorry that i couldn’t bring you guys this review as i’ve wanted to give some lowkey insight about it before people spend that $60. If you can’t wait for me to make that choice and you know you love Star Wars i would highly recommend taking that leap and i would be shocked if you are disappointed.


Keep gaming everyone and don’t stop grinding and i will be back with some better content.