Wow Classic World PVP

My Stories

WoW classic World PVP


Since the opening of world PVP in WoW classic things have been interesting to say the least and also very aggravating especially if you are alliance on a PVP server. I play on Sulfuras which is one of the higher population PVP servers and we are just absolutely overrun by horde. I have a decent amount of Pre BIS gear ( Best in Slot) but I am still trying to grind out a few items before I get into the raiding arena. I did Pug a MC run for my first time in I think 10 years and I couldn’t have been more happy when we took down Rag. Besides the point this is about some world PVP and the state we are in now.


Essentially it is an absolute horde bloodbath and they are ruthless against the alliance. A trip to Blackrock Mountain is made up of being corpse camped by a bunch of horde. I’ve had logs that It took me 15 deaths and over 40 minutes to get into Blackrock Spire. I am truly sorry for anyone that still has to do BRD because it has to be even worse. The worst part about it is the split between my server feels like its 70% horde and 30% alliance. It really is heart breaking to see the alliance just crumble. I wish we were as organized as the horde and we could beat them at their own game but for some reason we are all soft. Being a hunter there isn’t much advantage and I pretty much just get insta targeted by any horde, and I envy the druids and rogues so much. My hopes and prayers are going out that when December 10th hits and the battle grounds open up it should stop from getting absolutely dominated every time I log on. Hopefully the next time I post about wow it will come with better news. I can only imagine how bad it is in StrangleThorn Vail and am so glad that I started my level grind early.


If you’re still grinding for that gear, or almost 60, or starting a new character my best of luck to you and hope you stay untilted.